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  • Q1: Are fourth-year students (as of the beginning of the 2022-23 academic year) eligible to apply?
    • 2022-11-07

    A: Eligible students enrolled in four-year programs may apply prior to the commencement of their fourth year of study. Eligible students enrolled in five-year programs may apply prior to the commencement of their fifth year of study. Eligible students enrolled in six-year programs may apply prior to the commencement of their sixth year of study.

  • Q2: Can one apply for a university-level interdisciplinary bachelor's program and a College-wide bachelor’s program at the same time?
    • 2022-11-07

    A: Yes. If both are approved, however, an applicant may be enrolled in only one of these programs based on his/her specified order of preferences. It is recommended that the applicant consult first with the NTU Academic Advising Office.

  • Q3: Can a student already with double-major status apply for a university-level interdisciplinary bachelor's program?
    • 2022-11-07

    A: No. The reason is that a student enrolled in a university-level interdisciplinary bachelor's program is also considered as having double-major status. The student must give up one of his/her majors before he/she can apply for a university-level interdisciplinary bachelor's program.

  • Q4: The number of credit hours required for a university-level interdisciplinary bachelor's program seems to be a disadvantage for first-year students. Am I right?
    • 2022-11-07

    A: Students take basic cornerstone courses and those required by their respective departments in the first year, and they are expected to explore what their departments have to offer. They may then begin to explore other disciplines and specializations during the second semester. Student become eligible in their second year, when many possibilities in planning their academic paths await them.

  • Q5: If there are many more applications than initially expected, will the 2% acceptance limit be adjusted?
    • 2022-11-07

    A: Current we have no plans to raise the 2% limit, which translates to about 70 students. The limit may be adjusted in the future, depending on the demand and resources available. 

  • Q6: In addition to the proposal submitted to apply for a university-level interdisciplinary bachelor's program, is an applicant’s academic record also taken in account when evaluating the application?
    • 2022-11-07

    A. The decision to approve or deny an application is based principally on the proposal and not the applicant’s academic performance. Aspects of the proposal that weigh heavily in the decision process include:

    (1) whether the applicant’s motivation for applying to the program is explained properly and the learning objectives are clearly defined;

    (2) whether the curriculum planning and learning objectives are aligned;

    (3) whether the internships, or practicum or topical courses are relevant to the planned curriculum; and

    (4) whether the designation of the interdisciplinary study as well as the name of bachelor’s degree sought are appropriate.

  • Q7: Who may I consult if I have questions about writing the proposal?
    • 2022-11-07

    A. Consult the Center for General Education if you have inquiries regarding how the credit hours are calculated or how the application forms should be filled out. If your questions are about how you should arrange the courses you will be taking, how you should designate your degree, etc., you may sign up for a preliminary interview/consultation session with the NTU Academic Advising Office.

  • Q8: Who may I consult if I have questions about the courses I’m taking to fulfill the requirements of my university-level interdisciplinary bachelor's program?
    • 2022-11-07

    A. Consult the Center for General Education or the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division of the Office of Academic Affairs if you have a question about the curriculum. For course advising, consult the Academic Advising Office.

  • Q9: How will the name of the degree appear on my diploma?
    • 2022-11-07

    A. Your department’s degree + University-level Interdisciplinary Bachelor's Program degree.
    If you have earned a degree in Philosophy and an Interdisciplinary Studies Program degree in Neuroeconomics, your diploma will be designated with the following:

    National Taiwan University on the recommendation of the faculty of the Department of Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts and the interdisciplinary study in Neuroeconomics, has conferred upon _______________(name of student) 

    the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and 
    Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Study, 
    together with all the honors, rights and privileges belonging to those degrees. In witness whereof, this diploma is issued with the University seal in _______________________________


  • Q10: What are the main differences and similarities between a University-level Interdisciplinary Bachelor's Program and a Trans-disciplinary Bachelor Degree Program?
    • 2022-11-07

    A. Both are administered as part of a student’s double-major programs, but each has its own set of requirements. See the following chart for more information.

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  • Q11: What are the differences between being enrolled in a university-level interdisciplinary bachelor's program, in double majors, and in a Trans-disciplinary Bachelor Degree Program?
    • 2022-11-07

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